Jerks Appear As Major Supporting Characters > 자유게시판

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Jerks Appear As Major Supporting Characters

페이지 정보

작성자 Aurora
댓글 0건 조회 76회 작성일 24-01-10 14:48


Jerks are a significant race in Planet Life. They are a rivaling race to the Derekulians and, while a lot weaker, are far more numerous.

1 Planet Chapter2 Burgulon Chapter 2.1 Jerk Cans2.2 List of Jerks and their skills:

Planet Chapter[]

Jerks first appear as the residents of the Dungeons. They can be thought-about the primary antagonists of the chapter. Upon Derek coming into a room and The Planet commanding him to fight the Jerks, they'll try to kill Derek.

Burgulon Chapter[]

Jerks seem as main supporting characters. The first pleasant Jerk met is Bret, who had quit working in a Dungeon and is later employed by Burgulon to excavate Coco from his surface. Burgulon later creates a Jerk Club on Bret's proposition, which the Burgulon makes use of as a base for Jerks employed to battle Derekulians.


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